Proximal Gradient Methods

A careful review of the serial algorithms in the proximal gradient family reveals that, given an initial search direction, which we call a gradient surrogate, they differ from each other in their choices of four distinctive algorithm primitives:

  1. how they combine multiple gradient surrogates to form a better search direction, a step we refer to as boosting,

  2. how this search direction is filtered or scaled, which we call smoothing,

  3. which step size policy they use, and,

  4. the type of projection they do in the prox step.

For instance, stochastic gradient descent (SGD) algorithms use partial gradient information coming from component functions or decision vector coordinates as the gradient surrogate at each iteration, whereas their aggregated versions accumulate previous partial gradient information to boost the descent direction. Similarly, different momentum-based methods such as the Heavyball [1964-Polyak] and Nesterov’s [1983-Nesterov] momentum accumulate the full gradient information over iterations. Algorithms such as AdaGrad [2011-Duchi] and AdaDelta [2012-Zeiler], on the other hand, use the second-moment information from the gradient surrogates and the decision vector updates to adaptively scale, i.e., smooth, the gradient surrogates. Popular algorithms such as Adam [2014-Kingma] and Nadam [2016-Dozat], available in most machine-learning libraries, incorporate both boosting and smoothing to get better update directions. Algorithms in the serial setting can also use different step size policies and projections independently of the choices above, and benefit from different samplers to form partial gradients as well as encoders to compress the gradient information. This results in the following pseudocode representation of these algorithms:

\[ \begin{align}\begin{aligned}& \textbf{Data: } \text{Differentiable functions, } \lbrace \operatorname{f_{n}}(\cdot) \rbrace; \text{regularizer, } \operatorname{h}(\cdot).\\& \textbf{Input: } \text{Initial decision vector, } x_{0}.\\& \textbf{Output: } \text{Final decision vector, } x_{k}.\\& \textbf{Initialize: } k \gets 0.\\& \textbf{while } \operatorname{not\_done}(k, g, x_{k}, \operatorname{\phi}(x_{k})) \textbf{ do}\\& \quad g \gets \operatorname{gradient}(x_{k}; \operatorname{f_{n}}(\cdot)); \texttt{ /* full or incremental */}\\& \quad g \gets \operatorname{sample}(g); \texttt{ /* block coordinate; optional */}\\& \quad e \gets \operatorname{encode}(g); \texttt{ /* optional */}\\& \quad g \gets \operatorname{decode}(e); \texttt{ /* optional */}\\& \quad g \gets \operatorname{boosting}(k, g); \texttt{ /* optional */}\\& \quad g \gets \operatorname{smoothing}(k, g, x_{k}); \texttt{ /* optional */}\\& \quad \gamma_{k} \gets \operatorname{step}(k, g, x_{k}, \operatorname{\phi}(x_{k}));\\& \quad x_{k+1} \gets \operatorname{prox}_{\gamma_{k}\operatorname{h}}(x_{k} - \gamma_{k}g);\\& \quad k \gets k + 1;\\& \textbf{end}\\& \textbf{return } x_{k};\end{aligned}\end{align} \]

Most of the serial algorithms in this family either have direct counterparts in the parallel setting or can be extended to have the parallel execution support. However, adding parallel execution support brings yet another layer of complexity to algorithm prototyping. First, there are a variety of parallel computing environments to consider, from shared-memory and distributed-memory environments with multiple CPUs to distributed-memory heterogeneous computing environments that involve both CPUs and GPUs. Second, some of these environments, such as the shared-memory, offer different choices in how to manage race conditions. For example, some algorithms choose to use mutexes to consistently read from and write to the shared decision vector from different processes, whereas others prefer atomic operations to allow for inconsistent reads and writes. Finally, the choice in a specific computing environment might constrain choices in other algorithm primitives. For instance, if the algorithm is to run on a distributed-memory environment such as the Parameter Server [2013-Li], where only parts of the decision vector and data are stored in individual nodes, then only updates and projections that embrace data locality can be used.

In the rest of the chapter, we cover the five major policies that are used as building blocks for the proximal gradient methods.


Boris T. Polyak. “Some methods of speeding up the convergence of iteration methods.” USSR Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics 4.5 (Jan. 1964), pp. 1-17. DOI: 10.1016/0041-5553(64)90137-5.


Yurii E. Nesterov. “A method for solving the convex programming problem with convergence rate \(\operatorname{\mathcal{O}}( 1/k^{2})\).” Soviet Mathematics Doklady 27.2 (1983), pp. 372-376.


John C. Duchi, Elad Hazan, and Yoram Singer. “Adaptive Subgradient Methods for Online Learning and Stochastic Optimization.” Journal of Machine Learning Research (JMLR) 12 (2011). pp. 2121-2159. ISSN: 1533-7928. URL:


Matthew D. Zeiler. “ADADELTA: An Adaptive Learning Rate Method.” (Dec. 2012). arXiv: 1212.5701.


Diederik P. Kingma and Jimmy Ba. “Adam: A Method for Stochastic Optimization.” (Dec. 2014). arXiv: 1412.6980.


Timothy Dozat. “Incorporating Nesterov Momentum into Adam.” ICLR Workshop. 2016.